Monday, 28 June 2010

Fifth week of Citation manager widget

The past week was very fruitful.I finally got a model with local storage ,import and export features.

I created a public repository at
The updated specification proposal at

Fifth week of Event Explorer

The past week I have worked extensively on the UI (Simile Timeline). I interacted with Jeff Ziegler of University of Michigan and had his needs and views on the UI. Have created interface and filters for event selection and am currently working on dynamically creating hotzones for the Timeline based on number of events extracted from Cassandra.

This week I will be further trying to complete the UI and will post its code on github, and then will start with data analysis.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Android IU ready

This week I finally the basic iu and the basic workflow on the android application. I attended this last weeks to an android course and I learn a lot about the technology, and this new knowledge has made me think about rescheduling. The iu is developed for the eclair (2.1), because studying the target devices this version was the best, the framework is more advanced and 50% of the devices use it, but we are studying if it’s interesting for the community develop the application for the 1.6 or 1.5 versions.

Thanks to David, this is is going to be much more than just my project on gsoc, I am going to go beyond and It will be my final career project. So I would like to ask the community about what features should be in the application. (Comments would be appreciated, anyway I would ask also in the sakai-dev list).

I'm a bit stuck about how to keep users alive and connect properly the android with Sakai. This is going to be my next concern, even if this is delaying the next step, It’s important than the application doesn’t eat all the battery sending forms constantly and use properly the lifecycle of the android applications.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Fourth week of Event Explorer (Ashish)

The past week I created a documentation for setting up the required softwares for this project at the confluence [0]. I have started with the analysis of data in a Cassandra node using Apache Hadoop.

This week I will distribute data on multiple Cassandra nodes and will continue with the analysis of data using Hadoop and PIG Latin.

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fourth week of citation manager widget

This week I discussed use cases with my mentor which made me look at connotea more deeply.There are no group features in connotea.I had a deep look at Zotero (a firefox extension) which turned to be way better than connotea.The draft proposal for the widget can be found at

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Reference Manager Overview

This seems pretty relevant to Manoj's project, which is exploring what researchers want and what reference managers can do and finding ways to match them up in Sakai 3.  This embed is from Slideshare, but the original is on Martin Fenner's Nature blog.   Reference Manager Overview
View more documents from Martin Fenner.
Interestingly, Martin's most recent update was to remove Connotea from the comparison.  I had thought Connotea was a prime OSS candidate for integration, but the fact is it doesn't actually make it very easy to use your references once you've collected them.  Zotero increasingly seems like a much better (and more popular) integration target - the only question (in my mind, as a non-user, so far) is how much it offers in terms of sharing and web presence.  Mendeley (which I do use) is fantastic at ingesting documents and sharing them online, and they have kindly given Manoj access to their API beta programme.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Second week on Android & Sakai

This two weeks I've working in learning Android technologies, it's really important to make a good design of the application because android devices have limited resources.
As sakai3 is using the same tools than sakai2x, we are working to develop a tool for sakai 2.7.0 to get the events than we want to synchronize.
Talking with my mentor David, we have decided to begin with announcements, and we have all the functionality working and then extend the functionality to another tools.
Also I've been translating some sakai tutorials to spanish. There is a lot of documentation but all is in english, so I think that this tutorials could be useful for the spanish community. The tutorials are:

How to install sakai-trunk
How to install several sakai sources (installing sakai 2.7.0)
Getting Eclipse ready

I hope really soon I could show you see some screenshots and code on my android device.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Second and Third week's of Citation Manager Widget

I ran into a lot of problems while designing my prototype for feedback.I was able to work with connotea with out any difficulty but the main problem was delicious which can not be incorporated into sakai as of now because sakai doesn't support Oauth(yet).I found some scripts which enable the user to copy delicious bookmarks to connotea.
I was able to fetch and post data to the connotea database form within sakai using curl after some effort.I created a few mockup web pages for a basic prototype to get some feedback on the features required.
The next week will be devoted to completing the prototype with all essential features.

Third week of Event Explorer (Ashish)

The past week I have sent emails to some help-desk users at University of Capetown and Michigan regarding their opinions on the UI. I have also been looking for testing the scalability and emission of the events so that I get an idea as to where more event coverage is needed.
For the coming week, I will be looking further on testing part and will be working on UI.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Second week of Event Explorer (Ashish)

This week I had a deeper look into the view(Timeline tool) and what should be the best layout for the messages I have retrieved from the database.
I have contacted Verity (CARET helpdesk) and have asked for her suggestions on how would they like the interface to be.
I also filed jiras related to my work, one for lack of userid in the messages and one for the modification to the current embedded broker configuration.
I have created a repository at github [1] containing the work I have done till now.
For this week, I plan to work further on the view section and interact with Verity to get a clear idea of their needs as a project user.
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