Hi all
This is my first weekly post on what has been done up to date. Till now I have been working on laying the core framework of the project (and have achieved that just today). I have created a rudimentary model of database and view and need to customize it further in consultation with my mentor and some help-desk users. Further, I will be working on making it more flexible and adding extra features.
Here's what I have implemented till now:
- Have set up a network of ActiveMQ brokers and have made changes in Sakai embedded broker configuration to introduce it in the network.
- Have set up Consumers (MessageListeners) on remote broker which listen and retrieve the event messages emitted by Sakai broker over the network.
-These Consumers process the message and store the message in the Cassandra database (using thrift) to which they are locally attached (as of yet).The mockup of the database design is shown below:
(Click on the picture to view it larger)
- In the GUI section, I have created classes which retrieve the data (messages) from cassandra again using thrift.
-These classes create JSON feeds of the messages and inputs it to the JSP containing the Simile tool.
-As a result, I am currently able to view some Nakamura Event and OSGI messages which I retrieved using the classes, in the browser using the Simile tool.
For this week I plan to contact help-desk users of Cambridge University and consult them and present them some mockups. Based on the finalization of view, I will be working more on the GUI display, filtering of messages and on storage structure.
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