Saturday, 22 May 2010

Sakai & Android

I'm Mayte Giménez, I'm in my last years of computer science and in my first one of fine arts. First of all I would like to apologize for the delay writing this post, I'm facing my finals and as all students (and the university community in general), this is kind of mad.

Anyway, let's focus on the fun things. I'm so excited about this project and very glad that Sakai have accepted my proposal.

Mobility is a major issue nowadays, and android is a great platform to bring sakai 3 to mobile. Android is an open source operating system for mobile device which has the support of Google, and every day the is more mobile phones and more students using it.

Gartner's latest statistics show big gains for Android's quarterly sales worldwide, jumping from 1.6 percent in the first qua
rter of 2009 to 9.6 percent during the same period this year. That puts the OS ahead of Microsoft's Windows Mobile.
Here you can see a chart with word wide web traffic, and android is growing fast.
My gsoc, is not about to migrate the entire platform for android. There is a great team doing sakai mobile. This idea was born from my students needs, as a user of sakai. I needed to be aware of my pending tasks, be aware of my exams and any changes on my classes, and I need this in my mobile, I don't want to load the whole sakai application, and that's the reason I suggested this idea and this challenge for me.

The app main screen would have icons of each tool that can be synchronized, and a small alert if there is unread items. When we click on the icon we can see a list of subjects and the list pending assignments, for example. Also, would be nice to have a time management technique include, I am using the pomodoro technique right now and It is really useful for me, that allow us (the students) to get our goals.

Here I included some images of a mock up for the application.

And of course, standards are vital. We are a very large community and we need standards to grow up. Our students came from a lot of places with different needs, so accessibility is a must for our final goal which is education.

I would update this really soon. Thanks for your patience, see you soon on our androids.

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